User-agent: * Allow: / Trenton Butcher Block: It Only Gets Better

"Our Liberties We Prize, Our Rights We Will Defend."

Commentary on national and local events from the standpoint of a Trenton city resident and state worker.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

It Only Gets Better

Since Tony Mack was elected mayor in June 2010, he has certainly found his place in New Jersey political infamy.   Itt would be hard for someone else to top the antics that have gone on at city hall sine he took office.

Just when it looked like things were returning to normal, in July the crap hit the fan.  First, the headlines screamed that the FBI raided Mack's home on Berkeley Square, as well as one of his brother's houses and the home of a financial backer and personal friend, Jo-Jo Georgiani, who owns a sandwich shop and was convicted of raping a 14 year old girl in the early 1980s. 

At the time JO-Jo weighed 550 pounds and his defense was that she wanted it and could have run away from such a fat man if she wanted to.  Well the law changed in 1982 and the age of concent was raised to 16 so if it happened today, he would be considered a sex offender whether she wanted it or not, but back in the day the prossecutors had to prove coersion which they did.   After the conviction, he managed to get released from prison because he was too fat and jail would likely kill him.  He was sent back after being caught on camera smoking a cigar at an Atlantic City Boxing match.

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